Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ways To Be A Heathen On Sunday Morning...

I always thought Hookahs were things you didn't talk about, sort of a behind-closed-door thing that signified something dark or taboo. I may have even been under the impression that Hookahs were the devil's plaything. I even had the idea in my head that perhaps they were an item commonly found in drug paraphernalia.
A party, not so long ago, changed my mind. At this party a friend convinced me to "try it," and I initially declined, but after I was assured that there were no drugs involved, I gave in.
I used to smoke cigarettes, you see, and never once liked the flavor or smell of burning tobacco. I only ever really smoked for social reasons.  Many years ago I gave that up.
But these Hookahs, they are a completely different experience.  Not at all harsh, very light smoking experience, best shared among a group of friends over conversation and music.
A second party experience affirmed that Hookahs were something I found relaxing and enjoyable. So I decided I was in the market for one of my own.
I found an affordable personal sized one, pictured here.

So I was perusing YouTube when I first got this hookah and watched about a dozen video how-to's.
Learned about several flavored tobaccos, called Shisha ( ) and how to perforate the foil, how to break up the Shisha, and what the best flavors are. Starbuzz Tobacco ( ) uses honey, not molasses. The flavor I'm using today is called Mystic UFO.
One video blog casually suggested to use "other liquids" in the bottom, stating that some people use alcohol or Gatorade or stuff like that.
So this Sunday morning, I'm in the bathtub, with cheap leftover champagne from some party in the bottom of my hookah and drinking chai tea. And blogging from my iPhone. Am I a good heathen, or what??

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